The first season of Narcos, an American crime thriller drama web television series produced and created by Chris Brancato, Carlo Bernard, and Doug Miro, follows the story of notorious drug kingpin Pablo Escobar, who became a billionaire through the production and distribution of cocaine, while also focusing on Escobar's interactions with drug lords, DEA agents, and various opposition entities.[1][2].It stars Wagner Moura as Pablo Escobar – a Colombian drug lord and the leader of the MedellÃn Cartel, with Boyd Holbrook, Pedro Pascal, Joanna Christie, Juan Pablo Raba, Maurice Compte, Diego, Jorge A. Jimenez, Paulina Gaitán, Paulina GarcÃa, Stephanie Sigman, Bruno Bichir, Raúl Méndez, Manolo Cardona, Cristina Umana and Alberto Ammann playing various real life based characters.All 10 episodes of the season became available for streaming on Netflix on August 28, 2015 and were met with generally favorable critical reception. Wagner Moura's portrayal of Pablo Escobar earned him widespread critical acclaim including a Best Actor – Television Series Drama nomination at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards, while the season itself was nominated for Best Television Series – Dramaat the ceremony and received Writers Guild of America Award for Television: Episodic Drama, British Academy Television Award for Best International Programme and three Primetime Emmy Award nominations. The series was renewed for a second season, which premiered on September 2, 2016 with 10 episodes.
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Size/File ...: 300-450MiB | .mkv
Source ......: 720p.BluRay.x264-DEMAND
Video .......: AVC | 1280x720 ~988 Kbps
Audio .......: 2CH AAC
Subtitles ...: English, Indonesian softcoded
Chapters ....: Yes
Runtime .....: ~55mn
Subscene link: Indonesian, English
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